Every time I think I have MS's course through my life figured out, it tosses me on my rear end. I woke up last Monday at 1am with a medium size stone gargoyle sitting on my left hip. I was pinned like an inspectable bug and further testing demonstrated that from mid-thigh to shoulder my body seemed to be immobilized. In my sleepy state it didn't make sense why I couldn't roll over or sit up. Eventually, I began to let the reality of a new round of MS Life begin.
Monday became even more exciting with a call to my Neuro, a long stint in the ER, followed by a five-day stay in the hospital.
After a course of steroids, endless poking and prodding, and the general annoyances of hospital life; I am right back where I started. Pinned. To. The. Bed.
They sent me home with the gift of a foley catheter, so I am having to learn to drag a bag of pee with me wherever I go (pun, pun, pun). My neuro says he will see me in a month, nothing more they can do.
For real? This is life now? Did I actually think I knew the worst MS could dish out?
I will write more later as my brain begins to assemble the pieces of what this means. Too many worries and 'to dos' Back to bad television and monitoring my catheter.